Monday, February 2, 2009

Tiny Foil Person

I was taking out my trash this morning and I found this in my yard:
When I picked it up, I got a vision of a kid tying this thing to a balloon and setting it free. When I was a kid, me and the boy next door would put notes in balloons and set them free on windy days and we always would talk about how far it would fly and who would find it for hours afterward.

Libby wants to kill it. So for now, this is where it will hang out:
Libby really wants to kill it.


Anonymous said...

That is a really cool foil person. The flow of the tissue paper contrasting with the light reflecting off the foil highlights the foil person's struggle with it's survival against little pretty cats.

kryston said...

libby looks fat in this picture.

Anonymous said...

That kitty looks fine!

Anonymous said...

Very interesting!