Friday, September 3, 2010

All Fixed

New battery in da car-a. Now for an oil change today and I should be all set to start a new and long work week.

We've had a few days of off and on storms. Two people sent me messages day before yesterday about seeing a 'double rainbow all the way', or almost all the way. I saw no such doubleness here. Just a single, but it was still pretty. The urge to cry uncontrollably and yell out 'WHAT DOES THIS MEAN?' as I stood on my front porch, was almost too much for me to resist.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The rainbow you shot is the same one I saw almost double, maybe double, all the way! I was at an intersection and made a scene with the "OOOOhhhhhhhhs" and "Ahhhhhhhhhhhs" and got quite a few laughs when they saw what I was pointing at.