Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Things, They Are-a Changing

Seems as if work is going to be unusually uncomfortable for a while.  I've become much more limited in what I can say in regards to work related matters, personal or otherwise, but change is in the air.  Overtime is imminent.  People's egos will be bruised.  But in the end, we will come together again as families often do.

My car battery has been PMSing the last few days. Doesn't want to hold enough of a charge to get my car started when it sits for at least 8 hours. I've been hooking it up to a battery charger I have. It's only been taking about 5 minutes. I think it takes longer to hook everything up. It's like I'm driving an electric car but without all the electric car benefits. I've eliminated alternator issues because I got home the other morning from work and turned off the car and started it back up with not even a lag. Batteries are cheaper than alternators.

Traffic in the mornings has doubled since school has started. Makes for crappy rides home from work. I was thinking this morning on the drive home that I would be the meanest defensive driving teacher EVER. Now I wonder how one becomes involved in something like that. Something to Google later on, I think.

Happy September!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Overtime is better than undertime! Y'all will ride this out without so much as a scratch. Battery Up!!