Thursday, December 6, 2007

My Little Bunny Friend

Right now it is 42 degrees outside. Our high today should get up to around 64. Friday's high is expected to be 80. Texas weather is CRAZY. Seriously the only place on earth where you use both a heater and an air conditioner on the same day, several times a year. Okay, I'm sure there are other places, but I've never lived there, so they don't exist for me.

I've taken a couple of days off from writing my senseless blog. As have a lot of bloggers who were doing the NaBloPoMo thing. Not much reading online lately.

I have plans today of pulling out my Christmas decorations and going crazy... but I have found I don't really care one way or another if I'm all decorated up or not. I have finally started listening to Christmas music to try and get me in a Xmas mood or something, but I've only been listening for a couple of days, so it really hasn't sunk in yet. I can't say I'm really in a bah humbug mood or anything... just unenthusiastic about it all, I guess. I can remember a time in the recent past where I LOVED this season and all that it brought out in people, and the music and the pretty sparkley things and the lights!!! But with my finances the way they are, the only giving I'm doing this year is to the bill collectors. And that makes me kind of sad. Yes, I know about the true spirit of Christmas and what it really means and I'm all hip to that and totally enjoy spending time with my family far above any gifts I may receive... but still... you know?

My cats are already starting to get cabin fever and it's not even halfway through the cold season, yet. Libby is constantly picking on Jynx and making him cry and run away like a girl. Jynx is constantly picking on Spazz and when Jynx isn't looking, Spazz sneaks up and picks on Jynxy. Cricket is picking on everyone and I can't keep her from climbing on stuff and getting into things she shouldn't. Jynx and Cricket both have this internal drive to get into, and climb on top of, everything. Must be the stripes in them, I think. I'm curious what part of their kitty DNA makes them this way. They all got used to me coming home, or waking up and opening the back door for them to watch the birds and other creatures of the day and night on the back porch... which is as close as they come to actually being outside. I give them time to be out there, but I have to shut the door because it takes forever to warm up the house again once it's been cooled off by outside air. But they like to run in and out which, for some reason, is part of the fun of being out there, and now they have to make a choice. So they get about 15 minutes of "outside" time a day because when they are out there, they get cold, too and want to come in... going to be a long winter.

I think the last of my bunnies that lived here with me has met his demise via car. This happened last week, but I was too torn up over it to blog about it. I woke up early, like I did this morning, and got to my computer and opened my blinds so I could watch the traffic as I typed. I noticed the little thing hanging out in the middle of the street and was hoping he wouldn't get hit. After he didn't move from his spot for a while, I went outside and approached him and it was very apparent that he had been hit, yet not killed, and was unable to remove himself from the roadway. So I very carefully picked him up and moved him into my yard onto the grass. He was very alert and very tolerant of me as I sat next to him and petted his little head as he laid there waiting to die. I made him as comfortable as possible and went inside and cried for him. I could blame the drivers who don't pay attention to the road like they should. I know I'VE never hit a bunny, a squirrel or any other animal for that matter while driving. I pay attention. But I have seen these animals seriously jump out from the dark side of the roadway into the path of an oncoming car without notice and I know there are times when there is nothing you can do. But it makes me wish I lived on a street with no traffic at all. In a place where people don't drive cars and kill small animals.
Bunny Says Goodbye:

Rest in peace, my little friend. I hope you were happy while you lived here. I tried to give you treats you would like and me and my kitties always liked watching you and talking to you. I never got to pet you until you were dying, but you let me sit with you while you munched on yummy grass and ate the treats I set out for you. You brought peace inside of me while we sat outside together.


XOXO said...


You made me cry.

I'm glad though, that you made him comfortable before he died. Too many people would have let him lay in the street.

There needs to be more people like you in the world Ms. Laura.

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear about the bunny.