Friday, October 10, 2008

Early Morning Alertness

Have you ever noticed in the movies, that if anyone was going to be doing any kind of window action shot, that there are never any screens on these movie windows? Sometimes shutters that can be opened and closed... but never any screens. I'm curious... is this only a movie thing, or do people in other states and towns commonly practice not putting screens on their windows?

Here in the south, especially around this time of year, it's nice to not have to use the air conditioner and be able to sleep with our windows open, as I have done the last couple of nights. I know the kitties like it as well. We use window screens as a way of keeping mosquitoes and other pesky bugs out of our house.

About an hour ago, I was awaken suddenly by a very LOUD cat fight in my room. Seems the window screens also keep out other cats because the cat fight was happening at my window... a cat on the outside and one on the inside. Which brings me to my million dollar idea... What if you could harness the volume and intensity of the sound of two cats fighting and put it in an alarm clock. I know they have the cute "mew mew" alarm clocks... even a nice cute doggy bark one. But I like those sounds... they are peaceful and I would sleep through them. Give me a violent cat fight and I'm up with my feet on the floor in .0025 seconds, adrenalin pumping, yelling "hey hey HEY HEYHEYHEY" until the fighting stops and the unknown cat's departure is heard through the flowerbed. I think my heart is still racing. One things for sure... there was no sleepy walk to the coffee pot this morning. I can't remember when I've ever BEEN so wide awake. Seriously... million dollar idea.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How about you add a snooze bar that electrocutes you?