Tuesday, October 28, 2008

For The Inquiring Minds

Yes, I'm storing up all my great blog ideas for November. Okay, not really. I just haven't had any ideas. I have absolutely no back up posts at this point and I'm already anticipating November sucking royally as far as me writing anything of interest to anyone, even myself. I had a certain topic I was going to write on today, but I think I'm going to save it for later. This will give me time to think about what I need to write, how to write it and hopefully it will give me the chance to hear the rest of the story besides what I know now. I am currently scheduling the mysterious post for November 1st.

In other news... its freaking cold! 36 is what my temp gauge is reading at the moment.

If I don't see ya before, I'll see you on the 1st. It's only a couple of days away, so you won't have time to miss me. By the end of November, you prolly won't want to read my blog any more anyway.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Blog a mystery and drag it out for 30 days, basically, actually.
Could be what happens after the election when everyone writes in Gregory House.
Eh? Eh? Potential huh?