Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Everything Is Back Ordered... And Messy

The only item of my kitty-cam heading this way as I write this, is my router. But that's probably a good idea right now because this

is just not going to work. I bought this desk because after I moved, this desk

was pretty much almost falling over due to being mishandled during the move. But then I did this

because I just didn't have the heart to throw it out. It's unattractive, but very stable, so I had made it my paint area. At one point I had plans to move my desks into my childless bedroom, but the thought of not having a place for one of my kids to sleep in case the need ever arises was enough to keep things where they are now. Plus the desks kind of help fill the room since I don't have a ton of furniture. So... I've been debating on if I will move all the computer stuff to the other desk and then find a place for the painting, or put up a couple of shelves, as well as re-organize the disaster I have going on right now. I'm thinking (in my lazy way that I think) that the shelves are the way to go.

I have a ton of stuff from my previous job that I had on my desk, around my desk... trinkets and cool office stuff. I had a very flashy desk where I worked. Then, when I changed job descriptions and moved to a different part of the building, I had two desks that were sufficiently obnoxious. I've been wanting to bring that box in from the garage and use what I thought the cats wouldn't eat, tear up, steal, hide... but it's still sitting out there... as are a lot of other things I've thought about bringing in that I just haven't. (I'm having a hard time nesting still and I'm not sure why and that is a post for another day)

So I've been reading up on this web-cam thing and I've done what I can until the real deal gets here and I can get some hands on learning. So be patient my voyeuristic reader... it will be here soon...

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