Saturday, April 19, 2008

Saturday Survey#1

Hey, I know! Lets start themes for different days of the week! No one's thought of THAT before, right?

I got a suggestion the other day about a kitty-cam for my blog. I will admit that setting up one of these, unless it's plug and play friendly, is something that will take a bit of time on my end to learn what to do, what to buy and the like. I think it would be cool to have a streaming kitty-cam available for those who are curious enough to watch the antics. But how many of you are?

So... if you notice in the upper right hand corner of this blog page, I have a little survey for you to take. It will just take a click or two, but it will let me know if I should bother with taking on a project of this magnitude. <--- that's me stressing out even though this is probably the most simplest of tasks.

When you vote, keep in mind... if I know that you are computer literate <uh uhhh cough matt cough cough> then expect me to bug you frequently. :-)


Jerrine Absher said...

I say not only a kitty-cam but rig the fastest one, I'd say Cricket, with a very small remote cam so we can see her point of view as she zooms around.

Anonymous said...

Kitty-kam kould be done, but do you really want your cute little fuzz-butts following you around with a camera when you're all nekkid?

XOXO said...


I didn't think you were serious when you said it was a good idea! I thought you were being sarcastic!