Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Fast Week

Well, here we are on Tuesday already. Tuesdays are my Fridays. It seemed as if this week has flown by for me. I have found that having a car that starts right up and doesn't overheat has taken a great amount of stress from my plate. Stress that I really didn't realize was there until it was gone. Which seems to be a pattern with me. Its like I blank out all the negative things in my life until I have time to deal with them, then when the problems are solved, I get this huge feeling of freedom and I'll bounce around for a few days until I get use to not subconsciously worrying about stuff.

I had a couple of days of reprieve from my rain pain. But it's back because it's Spring and I've lived with this long enough to expect it now. For the first time, though, I feel I'm actually getting a little relief from over the counter pain meds. Doesn't eliminate the pain, but it has helped to take the edge off the worst part of it. One of these days, when I'm past all of this other medical stuff going on right now, I'm going to go get evaluated to see how much damage has been done from this stuff in my left hand. I had a really bad episode at the end of summer last year that left my hand not working like it should. This is a new development in my rain pain adventure because on the norm, it hurts really bad when it's here, but when it's gone, it's just gone and nothing hurts and everything works. I can only describe this malfunction as some type of deterioration of the stuff in the joints of my pinky and ring finger where when I make a fist, those fingers don't do that so well. I drop things when I try to grab with that hand now. It only becomes painful if I move it a lot, otherwise, I have learned to avoid grabbing things with that hand. Typing is more difficult when I'm having an episode because now it seems it will always hit that area that doesn't work so well. Finding out how bad it is will be another adventure for another day.

Speaking of pain... my mom is going in for a Cortozone shot in the hip this morning. She will probably eventually have to have replacement hip surgery, but for now we are all hoping (especially her) that this shot will do her some good. She's been in a lot of pain for a long time now. It's time for her to feel good again. She's always been a very active person and this hip has just ruined that for her. I look forward to taking walks with you soon, Mom, so get better quickly!

My grandmother fell and broke her hip when she was 100. She had to have hip replacement surgery. Afterwards, I'm not sure if it was having to be in a nursing home while she healed that got her up and about so quickly, or if it was just my typical Nanny not being able to stay still for very long, but she went through the surgery fine and healed quickly and she says it hasn't pained her at all since she's healed. That was 4 years ago. I am hoping my mom will have as great of a success as my Nanny did with it.

Here's a little sampling of what I've been doing when not sitting here typing. My hobby. I'm thinking one day I might quit giving these things away and try to sell a couple to see if someone would really want to buy one, but right now when I am painting one, it's with someone in mind and I end up giving them away. I can't say for sure how many I've done. And the pictures aren't very good. I need a new digital camera bad. But this is what I like to do when I'm bored... or when I can't sleep.

Have a happy day, reader. Smiles are contagious so go spread some around today.

1 comment:

XOXO said...

I'm sorry about your rain pain! I love rain, but I'd do without it just so you wouldn't have the pain anymore!

Good thoughts to your mom and her hip!

And seriously, how did I not know you were making those? They are ADORABLE! I want one! And I'll even buy it!