Friday, April 11, 2008


It's been a little over a month since I have changed my "lifestyle" of living. Thought I would share with you what I've changed, how it's affected me, and anything else I might not be too embarrassed to share.

About a month ago I blogged about a bad report from my doctor. For the fist time I'm able to notice a drastic difference in the way I feel, the way my clothes are fitting, and my mentality after a month. I have every intention of revealing my highest weight. But I think I'm going to at least wait until my first weigh-in before I do that. It's a shocking number, even to me. I say it is my highest weight because I will never be that heavy again. I refuse. But I'm not going to dwell on what the scale tells me any more. I'm going to go by how I feel and how my clothes will eventually start to be too big. I'm really looking forward to that. I think a once a month weigh-in is good enough.

The one item of clothing that I've noticed a big difference in, and this borders on being too embarrassing to talk about, are my undergarments. As far as the bottom half goes... my existing collection of panties have started to just fit better... more comfortable... like they are suppose to. That's a hard one to explain. The upper half... well... lets just say, if you don't know me, the two things people comment the most on about me are my eyes and my chest. I've actually heard a sentence that went something like, "Wow, you have really pretty eyes... yada yada... wow, you have really big boobs!" And in reality, until I get to know someone, the two parts to the above sentence are usually reversed. :-) Anyway... not much has changed so far upstairs. What has changed, I'm blaming on gravity at the moment.

Sizes of clothing will come with the weight revealing. I'm just not comfortable yet, in doing so.

Things I've changed:

I'm eating. A lot. I've gone from eating once a day to all day long. At least some days it feels that way. I've changed what I'm eating from high fat to very low fat. Lots of fruits and veggies. Not a whole lot of bread intake I've noticed. This is not really by choice, but it's just ended up that way. I use fat free dressing on any salad I eat and I eat a lot of them. No more sugar drinks. More water, although I still need to greatly increase this. I've always been really, really bad at drinking enough water. I changed my Coffeemate to fat free Coffeemate. No fast food. Nothing fried. Just a bunch of little changes that have added up to a big difference so far. And it's been really, really easy. When you care, amazingly, that makes the biggest difference of all. I'm still not getting out and exercising like I should. But I AM doing more. And when I'm doing more, I don't get exhausted 5 minutes into it like before. Plus with all the Spring showers, I've been down with rain pain for the past few weeks. The swelling in my legs is still there, but I will guiltily admit to sitting at the computer and sitting down and painting to much. The only thing right now that really seems to help is if I lay down for three days.

I'm going to try and update my progress on a monthly basis here. Looking forward to the report, myself.


Anonymous said...


Congratulations! You are on a roll! I'm really, really glad you can see & feel the results of your efforts. And the fact that you're losing weight AND just quit smoking says a lot about how hard you're trying, and how well you're doing. You're an inspiration to your friends & family whether you know it or not--and hopefully to yourself as well. I'm really happy for you!

No need to feel like you have to give your blog-audience any numbers/stats unless you want to. What I'd personally rather hear about is all the changes you've made and your struggles & progress with the process; feel free to blog about when you resisted temptation, when you succumbed, when you exercised or didn't, etc. Numbers are so one-dimensional.

Keep on rocking!!! :)

La La said...

Dear Anon,

I must guiltily admit to not quitting smoking as of yet. My absinence lasted for about a day and a half. Seeing as how I'm pretty ashamed of myself, I've just not blogged about it. But I have cut down quite a bit. Eating has taken it's place... weird as that may seem.

Thank you very much for the suggestion. I will most assuredly start delving deeper into the psychology part of what I'm going through. I appreciate the idea. :-)