Monday, July 28, 2008


Most of my immediate family and friends know that I like to paint birdhouses. Most of my immediate family and friends say I need to sell them. I still don't know about all of that, but maybe someday. I have given away most of the ones that I have painted to friends and family over the years and all of them have been received with smiles. I have a tendency to not be able to paint a birdhouse unless I have someone in mind when I do one. But on occasion, I'll go outside of my comfort zone and just paint one for me. There are a few practice ones that I left at the other house for my Mom and Dad, and I hung one up a few months ago that had been sitting around for a couple of years. I recently made one for my Dad with a fishing theme. For any who don't know, he hand makes fishing lures and founded and owns his own business called Humdinger Lures. One of the things I added to his birdhouse were some shells. I still need to go over and take a picture of it. When I bought the supplies, I couldn't just buy like 6 or 7 shells. (they are small) No, I had to buy a thousand or so.

The other day I had this great idea on how to get rid of all the extra shells. I'd make a birdhouse and mosaic the shells completely covering the house. It was a good idea in theory and in my mind I thought it would look really cool. I also had gotten some real small sized roofing shingles (used on doll houses) and I wanted to try those out as well. Well... the results were not what I expected and I doubt I will even be able to hang this one outside just in case someone actually sees this thing. The glue I used on the shingles tends to expand as it dries and it DOESN'T dry clear so there was tan glue coming out of places that it shouldn't have. After removing as much of THAT disaster as I could, and tearing up a lot of the shingles in the process, I proceeded with the shell application. The finished product was just awful. Even my first houses that I practiced on are better than this monstrosity that I don't EVEN want to claim that I created. So here are some pictures of the ugly birdhouse, and my attempts to take a picture while my cats are awake and it's not them getting their pictures taken:


Anonymous said...

damn girl! I think it's really pretty!!! :)

kryston said...

my favorite picture is the one with the huge eye in the corner.

La La said...

HAHA Yeah... mine, too.