Friday, July 25, 2008

Hello Dolly

I don't know why it bugs me that they named a Hurricane Dolly. Maybe it's because I was sure hoping Dolly would bring us some rain and she didn't... maybe it's just the name. My thoughts go out to Padre Island and the work that will need to be done there... I'm sorry your town got creamed by a stupidly named Hurricane.

I like hurricane season because I don't travel and I don't live on the coast. But I like it more because during this time of year, it's pretty much the only chance of rain that we get for 6 months out of the year. My lawn is more or less a mowed hayfield, with yellow and brown being the predominate colors. My trees (the younger unknown type) are wilty and my butterfly bush looks like a big giant tumbleweed. My drought resistant Lantana have ceased flowering altogether. The only green in my yard is my front porch flower bed, which is a new one for this house because no one has ever been able to grow ANYTHING there. And it was accomplished simply by installing a well placed sprinkler.

The pretty green grass you may see in the back ground is my neighbor's yard. And the wetness is NOT rain, it's the well placed sprinkler. OH! And I have another watermelon vine this year. It presented itself a couple of weeks ago and is loving the well placed sprinkler. My goal is to harvest a watermelon this year... a good one. The one I picked last year I think I picked too early. It was okay, but not very sweet.

This is Cricket making a scary face while she sleeps. Silly kitty.


Anonymous said...

MMMMMMMMMMMM...Free Watermelon

Meg said...

At least you HAVE a garden. I live in a city where it rains more than it's sunny and I still can't manage to keep a garden alive.

And yeah....Dolly is a ridiculous name for a hurricane ... or anything other than a farm animal actually.

La La said...

HAHA! Dolly the cow... good. Dolly the pig... good. Dolly the sheep... good. My niece has a kitten she named Dolly... good. Hurricane Dolly? Bleh.