Saturday, July 12, 2008

Post # 200

Have you ever had one of those days where things are just weird? Off? It's almost like Déjà vu, but not really. It's like "something" is going to happen, but then nothing ever does. Well, I'm having one of those days. It feels like when I was a teenager and I did something I know I'm going to get in trouble for when I get home... that tense moment before I walk in the door to face the wrath. I hope this passes soon.

I'm ready for Fall. I'm ready to be cold again. I'm ready for this awful heat to be replaced by falling leaves and warm snuggly sweaters and hot chocolate (sugar free, of course!).

There was a time, when I was younger, that my family would get together just because. Not for a holiday, but just to get together. We'd play poker, or swim, or both. We'd laugh, enjoy each other's company, sometimes drink too much. We haven't had one of those times where we were all together like that in a long time. Unlike a lot of families, there was never any arguing, or fighting, or talking bad about each other. We've just always enjoyed each other's company. The bad things that came our way, we stuck together and got through them. I miss my family.

I'm thinking there's some kind of instinctual thing going on with the girl kitties. It has seemed that Libby has been in constant heat for a month straight now. Cricket has shown no signs of being in heat. Today I get home and Libby is fine, but now Cricket is in heat. They have never been in heat at the same time. I'm wondering if there is some kind of pack instinct with cats in regards to this.

I feel a rearranging of the living area soon. I haven't done that in a while.

I wish for you a normal non-off day.

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