Thursday, July 31, 2008

Getting Over It

In a phone conversation last night, a friend of mine asked me if I still thought of S. (S being the destroyer of my world a few years back, for those that don't know me personally) I immediately answered with a quick, "no". But I also immediately retracted my answer because it just wasn't true. I DO still think of him. And for that matter, I still think of ALL my past boyfriends. But what I HAVE achieved over the past 4 and a half years is, I don't MISS him any more. I think there will always be that hole in my heart, but isn't that true for anyone we have loved deeply, yet lost for whatever reason? Yes, there was a part of me that died the day he walked out the door... an innocence that I had been able to hold onto up until my late 30's. But with the death of that innocence came knowledge, with knowledge came wisdom, with wisdom came a happiness of self that I don't believe I could have achieved without the rest. I will never regret loving him. How can one regret love when it's the core desire of almost every human being on Earth?

Today's feature song is by Colin Hay. I think it fits here. Hope you enjoy!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you reached that place/level of peace with everything. That's another one of those things that you have pleasantly surprised yourself with, I hope. Little milestones like that are a good feeling. Good for you! :)