Thursday, July 3, 2008

Goings On

Yesterday arrived the Frontline. Last night after I woke up, I applied. By about 2am, the cats were scratching a LOT! But I soon realized why.

Libby loves going to the bathroom with me. After she reaches up and gives me a big stretch, she'll jump up on the sink area and sit with me. Here lately, with the fleas so bad, she would sit up there and scratch and flea leavings would be covering my sink area. When those flea leavings become wet, you are able to see why fleas are so harmful to your animals. Those flea leavings are mostly the dried excreted blood of your loved pet. So I've kept the can of Lysol out and have been cleaning up this mess on a daily basis. Last night she was up there scratching and scratching and she is white enough for fleas to be very visible on her. The fleas were literally falling off of her. And when they would land on my sink, you could tell they were somewhat still alive, yet dying quickly. I am thinking the fleas are all doing a little death dance on the kitties which is what's causing them to scratch so much. This morning, though... things are a lot less scratchy. All of my kitties got foamy mouths from licking this stuff off of the area where they shouldn't be able to reach, but do anyway, but that is common for that to happen and they seem fine this morning.

My rain pain is kicking my butt. It's been over a week now with no relief. The pointer finger on my right hand is so swollen right now, I can hardly bend it. Looks like a sausage finger.

Just did an inspection on Libby. I could not find one single flea. Yea for Frontline!!!!! Less then 24 hours after application!


Anonymous said...

No fleas, YAY! :)

XOXO said...

I'm glad your kitties are doing better!