Monday, July 7, 2008


I spent the night at work last night with a puppy. Couldn't tell you how old he was... or her. Not really sure about dogs. Grabbed an old stuffed bear we had laying around up there and watched him play with it most of the night. He slept in my arms as we watched a documentary on the Maya writings. He peed on the floor a total of 6 times and pooped three times. I had no idea dogs went that often. No wonder I have cats. My love for animals is well known at work. Comments were made about me taking him home. Dogs are not for lazy people. I didn't bring him home.

I just realized I have not updated on my weight progress. Nothing to tell, though. I only lost one pound. This makes me sad, but not discouraged at all. It tells me that I need to change more then I'm already doing and I'm okay with that. In the last 5 minutes, I have seen three runners and 4 bicyclists. It's obvious what I need to change.

I still haven't mowed my lawn. tee hee I'm feeling so rebellious!

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