Monday, September 22, 2008

Autumn Equinox Day

Ahhh... Autumn is here. Can you feel it? Can you smell it? Can you see it? This week won't feel so much like Fall around here. 90 degree weather all week. But last week sure gave us a taste of the season to come.
Do you hold any festivities for today? A celebration, if you will, of the end of the harvest, the changing colors, the cooler weather? Do you call today Autumn Equinox, Fall, Mabon? Or is it just another Monday for you? Have you noticed the subtle changes occurring in nature? The leaves are starting to turn, the berries are reddening up, my Cricket is starting to be fluffy again. Take a few seconds today to think about the coming season, to stop and notice something that you may pass every single day of your life, yet never stopped to notice before.

Most of us tend to think of this time of year as a fast paced time of year. When you have kiddos at home, it's especially hard to see it any other way. You have Halloween coming up, football games, homecoming, marching season, then it's off to Thanksgiving and then Christmas. Autumn is the preparation time for the coming Winter. We start cleaning out our flowerbeds for next Spring's coming, we get our Winter clothes out and aired and if you are like me, you move your furniture around.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...