Wednesday, September 10, 2008

I'm Falling For You

There comes a time in a person's life where falling down becomes something more than just falling down. But at what age does falling down become dangerous? I guess it's always dangerous depending on when and where the falling down occurs, but I'm referring to the missteps, not the skiing and falling off a mountain, or dirt bike racing and falling off the bike, or any extreme sport and falling down. I'm not talking face-plants.

When my 104 year old grandmother was younger, age 100, she was turning away from her sink and caught her foot in her walker and fell down. She broke off the tip of the bone that goes into her hip. If a 30 year old had done the same thing, it is doubtful that any bones would have been broken. Not guaranteed, but doubtful.

When I got to the hospital she was still in the emergency room, full of morphine, with a smile on her face reciting everyone's birthday that she knew. She also had surgery and the doctors exclaimed how she may be 100 but that she's got the body of a 75 year old. She came through the surgery wonderfully and was 100 percent recovered in less than 6 months. That's my Nanny for ya!

So anyway, I went and saw my son's concert last Saturday. Aside from one of their guitar players breaking his guitar and them having to shorten their set because of the time it took for him to get a second guitar, get it hooked up and them start playing again, it was a wonderful show. The more these guys play, the better they get. Afterwards, we went to a pizza place located in the Stock Yards which is in the same courtyard area as The Door, where my son played, and Billy Bob's which is across the courtyard. The pizza was WONDERFUL! So we're walking back to my car and I step off of a curb that I didn't see and down I went. Of course the first thing I do is look around to see if anyone saw me. Then the pain hit and it actually took me a couple of minutes before I was able to walk. So I sat on the curb that I so blindly didn't see and I thought... "I'm 40 years old. I'm too old to be falling down." But aside from some bruising and soreness for the last few days, nothing major came from the fall and I'm thankful for that. When we are kids, we fall down all the time. It hurts, sure, but we bounce back quickly enough and move on to the next fall. But when does it become BAD to fall down?

I know, I know... it's never GOOD to fall down. And worse when you are an adult in public and people see you fall down.


Anonymous said...

Fall, schmall--everybody does it. Curbs sneak up on you, etc. But I'll bet you've got some of your granny's toughness in you--you'll always bounce back!

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah--sorry you fell! :( I hope you feel better soon...