Sunday, September 21, 2008

I've Got That Itch Again

So I have this thing that I do. And I don't know if a lot of people have this same thing, or not. I can't say I've ever talked to anyone else about it but then again, I don't see this coming up in conversation very easily so I can see how it's been avoided. I can remember one of my ex-boyfriends commenting one time about it... in a jokingly manner. Can't remember who it was, though. But I do remember it was the first time it made me stop and think that maybe I wasn't normal in this particular area. I think my kids have given me some words about it, but I think I just assumed that they were needing it, too.

I'm talking about change. Rearranging of the furniture. Not a make-over, really. All the same stuff, just in different places. Pictures on the walls moved. Tables, chairs, cat towers, computers, beds... moved. Granted, if I had the money to spend, total room make-overs every chance I got. But I don't. So I just move stuff around. I think psychologically it's my inner self telling my outer self that I need some change. Sometimes I think it corresponds with the changing of the seasons, and I think this is one of those times.

I'm watching a mockingbird eat the berries off the Lantana bush by my window. I had no idea the birds ate those things. Lots has changed in the last week with the upcoming Autumn Equinox just a couple of days away. The Lantana have completely quit blooming and have made those berry things. The berries on the bush things that I don't know what are have started to turn red as well. If I can get my old body out today, I'll take the camera. My watermelon is getting bigger every day. It seems late in the season for it, but maybe I'll be able to harvest at the right time this year. I've only seen the one. Last year I thought I only had two, but when I went to clean all the vines away, I found a bunch more that just never matured. Didn't help that I wasn't watering them.

Walk in peace my friends.

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