Saturday, March 21, 2009

Happy Big 21st Birthday! And Grocery Shopping... And Catnip All Over The Place

Today, my youngest child, my daughter, turns 21 years old. I was younger than she is now when she came into this world. I welcome you to visit her blog and read up on her birth which was a creative writing project for school. Although, I must correct one thing. It was MY decision to Y up her name. I can't help what her Dad did after we divorced. I think he's a big hairy copy cat. Although, it's been so long, I really don't know if he's hairy at all. So happy birthday, K. Yo Mama loves you more with every passing year.

Have I mentioned how much I hate grocery shopping? Yeah... prolly a hundred thousand times in past posts. Forget that shopping list tip yesterday. I still forgot stuff. I get about halfway through WalMart and I find myself just throwing stuff in my basket just so I can get the hell out of that place. Yes, I said hell. Because that's what grocery shopping is and I'm not taking it back. And also, when you run out of everything, you buy more when you are there and it's worse trying to carry it all in when you don't have a man around to order onto grocery detail.

I noticed that Libby was SO bored yesterday. She tried to snuggle, she paced, she looked out the window and mewed a few times. She just acted like she was bored and all the other kitties were asleep and I was playing computer games and she had no one. So I got some new scratchers which come with catnip and I have so many bags and containers of catnip I'll never run out. Before I could get the silly things out of the plastic, the cats were ALL over them. I bought two replacements for the ones I had and a new one for them to mess with. Spazz got so excited with one that I had sprinkled (poured) catnip into, he turned it over and now I have a big giant area of dried catnip in my carpet. Should be good fun until I recover from the grocery shopping enough where I can get it vacuumed up. Anyway... Libby is much more entertained today and all the cats have yummy fresh food, new scratchers and everyone is happy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If I was a cat I would so go lay in the Spazz mess!