Wednesday, March 11, 2009

It Was Too Much For Me

I took away the frou frou background. It was just too much for me. It started to get quite annoying. So I'm back to my plain black background and considering lightening things up a bit with a lighter one. I may try several things in the next few weeks and I would love to hear what you think about it. I'm open to the good as well as the bad. Or not. Whatever.

And I promise to entertain you with my over basic Photoshop talents. Going to try and have a new banner each month. Can't say I'll accomplish that, but it will be fun trying... at least for a day or so.

I wish I had more to blog about but I don't. I will when I do, though.


Anonymous said...

Nice layout--you're quite the Photoshopper!

La La said...

Like all things computer, I am learning as I go. I can't WAIT till I put up April's header!