Thursday, March 12, 2009

I've Not Minded, Really

The rain and cold and all. Lots of stuff taste better when it's cold. Especially my coffee. I will miss Winter when it's gone. A little bit, at least. I'll miss the cheaper electric bill, but I won't miss the Winter bathing. I'll miss the snuggly goodness of the kitties, but I won't miss having Libby in my face every single time my butt sits in my computer chair. I was trying to chat with a friend last night and she was all up in my face and trying to assume the Libby position that she feels she's entitled to and I'm trying to block her snuggle moves and she at one time grabbed my arm and started biting me. Not hard, though. Just enough to show me she was angry because I was not playing along.

My cats, for the most part, are very gentle little guys. They are not biters or scratchers. The only one of my cats I fear a little bit, is Jynxy. I know I've talked about that cat's finely sharpened claws before. Jynxy's favorite play time activity is to chase things under blankets. Feet, hands, Cricket. He doesn't lightly attack these things. He will extend all 15 inches of his claws and attack whatever it is that is moving like prey under the 47 layers of blankets and his eyes get huge and he'll start foaming at the mouth and then WHAM! He's fast, too. And he's not gentle and he's not nice and if you are smart you won't play that game with him.

So when I say that Libby bites me... technically she is... but there is no pain involved.

I will not miss how the cold tends to go deep into my bones now. It never used to. I was one who never owned a coat or a jacket because there was never a need for it. I had a hard time wearing sweaters and gloves because I would just get too hot too fast. And then one day a couple of years ago, it wasn't like that any more. I turned 40 and my body seemed to know and now I wish I had a big heavy coat and more sweaters and lots of thick gloves and hats. I'm officially cold... I mean old. My dream was to one day move north... like to Maine. I wanted to live in a small peaceful Maine town with real Winter snows. I've rethought that dream recently.

It's still raining here. And cold. By Monday it is supposed to be in the 80's again. And I know around August I'll be missing this time. But by then I'll be too worried about Christmas to think about it.

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