Saturday, March 14, 2009

She Awakens A New... Kitteh

Cricket spent the last two days sleeping. She's up and about today, though. When I got out of bed Thursday morning, she was snuggled up underneath the covers. She gave me her usual hello chirp. I went on about my day.

About 1pm I realized I had not seen her up and around and I went back to check on her because my biggest fear is that she can't breathe underneath the covers. I patted the lump on my bed and I got another chirp. I lifted the covers to take a peek at her and she was all sleepy eyed and disoriented. I gave her a few pets and, again, I went on about the rest of my day.

When I went to bed that night, she was still there, although she did get up when I went to bed and I watched her saunter off down the hall. When I woke up Friday morning she was back underneath the covers in the same spot. Slept all day. She finally got up around the time I was laying down for a nap before work. About 4:30.

This morning she is up and about and acting normal again. I mentioned a few days ago about her being in heat. I think that's what caused her to sleep for two days. Getting out of that mode and back to normal, which she is now. I'm feeling a bit better about taking her in to get fixed, now. I had the misfortune of seeing pictures on the internet that showed all these little kitties strapped down on tiny tables and I've had a hard time getting that image out of my head. I was going to put up a picture of that, but I couldn't go search for that on purpose and I don't want to see it again anyway... plus, I just wouldn't do that to you, reader. See? I have boundaries! (Not everyone thought the dog sleep walking vids were as funny as I thought they were)

Anyway... She's fine and the house is quiet again.

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