Wednesday, June 10, 2009

A Cat Poop Story

Once upon a time there was a litter box filled with litter. A cat came by and pooped in it, but it was no ordinary poop. No... this poop stood straight upright and held it's head higher than any other poop in the box. The queen took a picture of it, but sadly, the picture did not represent the uprightness of this particular poop as it should have been represented. Instead, this upright standing poop appeared as a poop textured phallic totem pole, seemingly floating in air. By the time the queen returned to the sacred poop for a second try at the perfect picture, the poop had been buried by another cat who came by, who just did not appreciate the sculpture of magnificence before her.

The End

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Mythical, vertical, phallic poop, eh? What a load of crap!

Sounds like something one of those Ohio cats might be into...

And of course you gotta post it. I just gotta see this.