Sunday, June 14, 2009


I love Sunday mornings. They are peaceful. Not a lot of traffic on the road which makes the drive home from work peaceful, as well.

I just came in from outside where I just sat with my eyes closed and listened to all the sounds. The birds, the distant cars, a dog somewhere, the leaves softly blowing in the wind, Spazz inside yelling because he wants outside, too.

My son got moved into his apartment on Friday. Even though he's lived with his dad the last three years, I was as excited for him moving out on his own as I was when my daughter did it. Maybe a little more excited since I wouldn't be paying for it like I did... do... with my daughter. So far he's asked me both Friday and Saturday when I'm going to come see their place. It's in Coppell. I don't know that city very well. Too close Dallas in my opinion. He says it's easy to get to. They ALL say that.

I tried to enjoy the peaceful morning, but as I have sat here the last hour, the humidity is going up again along with the temperature and it's already unbearable. Time for the cool air.

Why won't bunnies eat carrots that are already picked? Were all those years of watching Bugs Bunny a farce?

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