Sunday, June 7, 2009

Leet Me Introdoo Chu To My Leetle Flrriend.

I am a person to which the term impulse shopper applies. The place where I really started to do this was Walgreen's. For anyone who's not familiar with it, it's like a cross between a pharmacy, a convenience store, and dollar store. It still is my weakness. In my defense, when this started I was currently taking loads of anti-psychotic medications so in retrospect, I blame it on the drugs. Plus, I've come home with some really cool stuff!

So I was at Walgreen's this morning... to pick up a 12 pack of Diet Pepsi. While I was wandering around (the worst thing you can do after working all night because you sleep walk through there and things end up in your basket and you get home and you're wondering how the heck you got home with some of the stuff you did) and I suddenly thought of my dark blue, velvety type material, couch and how it was covered in cat hair to the point that the entire thing was turning fuzzy. Sadly, I probably know the layout of this store better than some of the employees and I knew where to get the lint rollers. I thought if I got 3 or 4, I could spend an hour or two de-fuzzing the couch and chairs. Then my eyes strayed to what is marketed as the "Magik Brush".

I've tried using a lint roller. Several times. It helps, but it never really gets everything off. The furniture just becomes LESS fuzzy. So I removed the brush from it's package and swiped it on an arm of the couch and OMG! It really, freaking works. So of course, I took pictures.

Here's The Brush
Since I moved my furniture, this has become a main path for the cats. It's amazing how it collects.EWWWOne small swipe with the truly Magik Brush.Can you see the difference?All done. Minus picture taking, about 30 seconds worth of work. This is what I'm buying everyone on my Christmas list. You think I'm kidding?

Happy Full Moon, Ya'll!


Anonymous said...

The moon is doing my back yard grass good.

Pamela said...

They should put you on TV with that thing.

La La said...

HAHA Yeah... it did go along the lines of an infomercial.