Friday, June 26, 2009

Cats Are For Lazy People

Like me.

You will never get an argument from your cat if you decide it's time for a nap.

If you don't feel like getting up, they don't either.

I thought about getting a dog once. Thought it would be a good way to get some exercise. Then I thought about all the days I probably wouldn't WANT to exercise, so I decided against a dog and got another cat instead.

Cats are happy to be left alone. I'm the same way.

5 minutes of play with a cat is the equivalent of 3 days of play for a dog.

Totally self sufficient as long as there is food and water available.

Less drool... most of the time.

I am not against dogs at all. I am "friends" with two pretty awesome dogs right now. There's Pheobe and Nero. Two really big, scary looking, super sweet dogs. But I don't think I'll ever live with any.


Anonymous said...

Ah, the theme from "True Blood" (also known as "Sookie, why you #^@&ing that vampire?")

Pheobe said...

Come scratch my booty with your nails.

Tammy said...

My cats sleep when I'm up and prowl when I'm asleep.