Friday, June 5, 2009

Friend Time

Had some good friend time last night. A movie and snacks were involved. Lots of good conversation and a magic trick, too. I woke up this morning with a smile... and about 30 minutes after that, my friend went home. :-)

Not being one who drives a manual shift car, I was unaware that to be able to start a vehicle with a manual transmission you must engage you clutch, even if said vehicle is in neutral. Lawnmowers work the same way. Which is why it wouldn't start for me, and which is why it DID start for my Dad when he made the trip over to "fix" the mower. How many times have I sat on that thing and started it, you may ask? Enough to know better, that's for sure.

So now I'm going to suck down the rest of my coffee... check my emails... and for real, this time, go out and mow.


Anonymous said...

What was the magic trick??? It sounds like he pulled a rabbit out of his hat, ifyaknowhatimean. Seriously, congrats on the "good friend time"--it sounds like you were due. Hooray for waking up with a smile! =)

Yep with the clutch. Hey, we all learn things the hard way. I went on a date with a girl who is getting her Master's--to operate her high-beams, she was holding the lever towards her. I noticed this and suggested that she try moving it forward, and viola! And of course I've had more than my share of "duh" moments.

Cute June banner, btw!

La La said...

The magic trick and the smile were two separate happenings and I didn't realize when I wrote it that way, that it sounded like it does when one reads it back. LOL Good stuff! I don't remember the name of the magic trick, but it was with cards and it was good. Not many people can say they hang out with a magician from time to time.

Anonymous said...

The description sounds like 3 Card Monte but I'm just guessing, not where the money card is just the trick. I would never bet on the money card, unless it was 4 Card Monte. The extra card gives you better odds. Really!

La La said...

LOL You know I love the card tricks the best. That and that key thing. I will always love the key thing.

Anonymous said...

"The key thing"? You're making this sideline lascivious jeering too damn easy!

La La said...

Yeah, well... you're not the first person to call me easy Mr. or Ms. Anonymous type person.