Friday, June 12, 2009

The Storms Killed It

The storms we had come through here Wednesday evening, lasted till Thursday afternoon. There was torrential rain, so much lightening it was WAY scarier than normal, and lots of freaking WIND! My parent's lost a fence and their back porch. This house here weathered it pretty good, yet again. A few big dead branches in my yard from my old Oak Tree, a few smaller leaf filled branches from my old Pecan Tree. No other major damage at my house, that I could tell. On my street further down, a neighbor lost half a tree (split in two) and the fence that it landed on. I had the computer and the TV off and unplugged.

Sadly... I believe the lightening storm killed my refrigerator. Something did, at least. The lights are on, but the cooling part, the most IMPORTANT part, is dead. And so the search for a new one has commenced, yet I am daunted by how much a stupid refrigerator costs. The cheapest side by side that I have found so far, which is what is dead in my kitchen now, is $718.00. I'm thinking I'm going to miss my ice maker and filtered water dispenser. The worst part of all is that I just spent 90 dollars on a three pack of filters for the stupid dead thing in the kitchen. I should have known better. That's ALWAYS when stuff dies.

I also found out day before yesterday that my daughter's ex-boyfriend is starting problems with her. She made the mistake of wanting to stay friends with him. I can't blame her, though. She has a heart of gold and some days I think she is too much like her momma when it comes to forgiving people. Or, should I say, how her momma USED to be. He's come from left field with some of the things he is saying, and I don't think he knows that pretty much everyone my kids know that he's contacted, already thought of him as a liar before he started this current line of stupidity. He's left an electronic trail a mile wide, including his biggest mistake of all which was to email me, and filing charges now would be easy, with just that email alone. For now, though, I have sent him a cease and desist letter along with a copy of the Harassment section of the Texas Penal Code and we'll see if he's got enough intelligence to realize he's not dealing with stupid people. If not, God help the boy. I passed up the chance to hunt him down the first time. I left it alone per my daughter's request. He involved me directly the second he pushed that send button on the email he sent me, though, and I've already explained that to my daughter. And once I push the Publish button on this blog post, even more people will be in "the know". If the need arises later for me to expose the details of what he's done so far, I will do that as well. For now, though, I will give him what little kindness I have left for him and keep things where they stand.

And that's all I have to say about that.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Jeez, sorry to hear about that crazy ex of K's. I sure hope he gets the message this time.