Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Motorcycles Can, But Shouldn't

On my lovely commute home this morning on the wonderfully congested highway, shortly after I got on the highway, I saw a motorcyclist recklessly speed between cars while riding on the line between the lanes going about 70. I estimate 70 because I was going about 65. He may have been going faster. I've seen this done before, I'm sure I'll see it again.

When I see someone doing this, I know in my heart that they will lose that battle one day and become roadkill. But I still have to wonder at the stupidity. Either the drivers who do this don't give a crap if they live or die, or they ARE just that stupid and don't realize most people aren't watching for a motorcycle driving on the center line between lanes before they decide to change lanes.

If you have a motorcycle and you do this, please go ahead and close out your browser now. I don't want you here.

This year, the Dallas/Fort Worth area scored the number two spot in the nation's worst road rage, which includes drivers who cut off other people, don't use blinkers, drive like crap and then get pissed off at other people who do the same.

The reasons for moving fah, fah away from this area just keep stacking up.

20 miles down the road from whence I started my commute this morning, after I've left the highway and right before I turn off the main road to get to my house, I pulled up behind speedy, reckless, motorcycle man at a red light. I wish, OH how I wish I could get out of my car, go up to idiots that drive this way, and explain to them how driving like this gets them to their destinations no quicker. Pulling up behind someone who I've seen on the way home driving like crap has happened more times than I even know. A hundred, maybe? What about the ones that I don't notice?


XOXO said...

I've recently been seeing those motorcycle people do wheelies going 80mph down the freeway.

I just don't get it. They ride like that for a little while and they're sort of wiggling back and forth. I always tense up expecting that one day they will fall backwards in the middle of rush-hour and I'll pretty much watch someone die.

I hate it.

Pamela said...

My favorite is the people that zoom around to pass me and then turn into the next driveway to the coffee place.

Anonymous said...

Pam Johnson is right. It's the coffee drinkers all hopped up on the coffee hoobee doobee racing around to their next fix, motorcycle or no. Road rules are obviously for the benefit of all concerned. That so many disregard them at the deadly peril of themselves and others is a troubling thought indeed.

kryston said...

Momma Lopez,
It was you who taught me to look at how beautiful life is, even if some things are going bad. It will eventually all be okay :)

I am coming to see you soon, okay? Like Thursday/Friday-ish. I expect aforementioned drink collection to be eye-popping by then!

La La said...

Daughter Lopez,
One of the hardest things to do sometimes is to overlook all the bad and actually see the beautiful. Life is hard and lessons learned harder still. You are wise beyond your young years, my dear one.

I will make sure the drinks are stocked.

Anonymous said...

I work as a forensic toxicologist. When I see aholes like that, all I think is how much they're pissing me off now and how much work they're gonna make for me later.

I'm sure you know, but my cop friends have lots of photos of motorcycle drivers that have had to be scraped off the road and picked out of the bushes and signs along the roads. Not to be crude, but at least they provide some measure of morbid entertainment with their mad driving skillz.

La La said...

Exactly! We, in this business, call it "job security". And that applies to your job as well.