Tuesday, October 30, 2007

The Joke's On Me

My mom gave me a packet of seed to grow cat grass. Basically, it's oat grass but cats love it. Well... they are suppose to. My mom's cats hated it which is why it was passed on to me.

Libby and Spazz like to play a game called, "let's run out under her feet out the back door". I don't worry too much because their goal is to find a patch of grass to nibble on. Bermuda grass is like crack to my cats. They just can't get enough and will be evil and sneaky to try and get some. So if I'm having to go in and out the back door, I'll grab a handful of the stuff and throw it inside on the back porch and it satisfies their craving until they start scoping out their next fix. Libby is the sneakiest of them all. She will pretend to not be interested in shooting out when the door begins to open and then when you think it is safe, she'll fly through the air and actually morph herself into a tiny sliver to get through the door until she's outside. Spazz is fat and slow and easily maneuvered.

So I get these seeds and they germinate within 3 days and this stuff grows really fast. Or it should. The only problem is, there is no place in my house where I can set the pot for this stuff to grow out any more then about 2 inches before my cats find it and start to mutilate it. I started on the counter (silly me) and put it on top of the refrigerator only to catch two up there. Then I moved it to the top of a bookshelf where I soon found another. My only option is in a cabinet but the stuff won't grow without the sunlight. Well... it will grow, but it comes out all white and scary looking like the insects and animals you see that dwell strictly in caves... all albino like.

They LOVE the stuff... but its a joke trying to grow it.

I just got off work and I don't have to be back at work till Saturday night. Sweet heavenly vacation time...

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