Saturday, August 30, 2008

Another Camera-less Moment

Seriously... I have to have my camera back. If I don't take pictures as soon as I think about it, I forget later that I was going to take a certain picture and it never gets taken.

Here's a list of things I want to take a picture of, but can't.

1. My porch garden progress
2. Found the first watermelon
3. Me sneezing
4. My sore arms
5. My mowed and edged and weedeated yard
6. This thing growing on my arm
7. My toenails
8. My clean house... oh, wait... nevermind
9. The cats in various poses and actions
10. Anything else that catches my fancy

Daughter dearest! Bring my camera home! Or I'll have to find some really old pics that you don't like and post them here... like these:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad i don't have your camera.