Friday, August 29, 2008


I got half of my yard work done yesterday. The "easy" lawn mower is down because of two flat tires. The push mower doesn't have tires that go flat. So I pushed it until it ran out of gas. And since I pilfered my lawn mower gas when I was financially unbalanced, I couldn't just fill it up. So today the plan was to wake up early, go get gas, finish the yard. But I went out last night, stayed out WAY too late, or early depending on your prospective. Went and saw The Dark Knight in an IMAX theater and it was most awesome. Almost 3Dish. Can't tell you how many times I almost jumped out of my seat. And then I slept till almost 8am.

Since my day is already running late, I'm going to run out the door and get my yard finished. I don't have very long before it gets to be too hot.

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