Monday, August 4, 2008

Dear Mr. R.

Dear Mr. R.,

My daughter called me last night in tears. Tears that you caused. My first instinct as a parent is to hunt you down and make sure you never hurt anyone again. I think most parents would understand what I'm feeling right now. The hardest part about being a parent is knowing that I have to step back and allow my daughter to be hurt by men like you and to not interfere. Oh, but how I want to.

Let me learn you a bit about life and how it works since obviously you were never taught this by anyone else. First of all, "I was drunk" is not a valid excuse. It's a pathetic attempt to lay blame on something other than yourself. Because you were drunk is something guys like you say... a lot, to cover up something you wanted to do anyway. Because you were drunk tells me I don't really want you around my daughter anymore. I pride myself on not being an interfering mother. But let me warn you now, this stops when someone hurts one of my children. You think a mama grizzly has a temper? You don't know temper, boy!

Second, to be blunt... Karma is a bitch. She may not visit you tomorrow, or next week... but she will come a knocking. Unfortunately, guys like you don't realize it when she's there, but gals like me do. Karma is for mother's like me who know what's in store for you which keeps mothers like me from knocking on your door and kicking you in the groin and punching you in the face. Karma will make you wish for that kicking and punching instead. Unless of course, the Dad finds you first.

Third... when you cheat on someone, you are blatantly telling the one you cheated on that you have ZERO respect for them as a person. You are telling them that you don't love them. You are telling them that they don't matter. It is the most selfish, despicable thing you can do to another person. It shows what a small man you really are. If things aren't going good in the relationship, you sit down with your significant other and you either find out why, or you break up with them. You don't go poking your stuff in someone else, lie about it (don't EVEN get me started on what it means to lie to someone) and then say you are sorry. It's inexcusable. Period.

Fourth... not only have you hurt my daughter, but you have hurt her entire family. The family that welcomed you into their homes. The family that hugged you when they saw you and loved you because you were a part of K's life. So not only have you lost a girlfriend that loved you, but you have lost an extended family as well. And if for some reason my daughter loses her senses and takes you back (which I will do everything in my power not to let happen) her family will never take you back. And you will never be able to compete with a family.

Sooner or later you will come to realize what you have lost. K is a beautiful person inside and out and you will be hard pressed to find someone who's spirit even comes close to hers. I hope her memory haunts you for the rest of your piece of crap life.

Now I have the job of cleaning up the mess you so easily discarded. Now I have to try and convince my daughter that all men are not like you, even though I am finding it harder and harder to believe that myself. She will one day see you for the trash that you are... unfortunately, she gets to hurt like hell until that day comes. If you have any sense at all, which I seriously doubt at this point, you will lie in the bed you have made and not contact her or any of her family, especially me. I will not be as kind in person as I have been here.

Good Riddance,
Mama Bear


Anonymous said...

I don't know you or Mr. R, but now I'm pissed at him too!

Anonymous said...

Again, best wishes to you & the cubs. This is one of those times in life that you have to look forward from the present and know that the pain will be replaced by strength, and that the loss of the f*@%-tard that K regrets now will be seen in time as unquestionably good. But young cub K can't see that yet/doesn't know to look/hasn't experienced enough to know she can trust her own heart to recover & heal with time.

The good news is that you, Mamma Bear, can see that for her. You can hold your cub in your arms until the tears dry from her eyes, and then raise her high on your shoulders so she sees what you see for her.

Both of your cubs will make it through stuff like this because they have a good Mamma Bear behind them.

Peace, happiness & hugs!!!

Anonymous said...

All guys aren't cheating bastards. Most are, I'll give you that, but not all. Then again you heard that a long long time ago from yours truly.

If there was only a way life's lessons didn't hurt so bad. If that were true though we probably wouldn't learn.

Kris said...

:-( I'm sorry your daughter has to deal with that...