Saturday, August 2, 2008

Let Me Reiterate

Because of certain emails I have received, let me go over some of what I posted about yesterday, so as to hopefully be more clear on what I was trying to convey.

1. Not everyone will fail at losing weight if they get surgery.
2. With every success story about surgery, there are that many failed stories.
3. Minus the multitude of complications from weight loss surgery, if you do fail at losing weight after surgery, there are underlying problems that go far deeper then a love of Ranch dressing.
4. If you are right with yourself, you mind, your soul, your life, losing weight CAN be accomplished without surgery.
5. Love yourself, and everything, not only losing weight, will fall into place.
6. Foods that are being marketed as healthy, are surprisingly not.
7. Learn, learn, learn and then learn some more about what different foods do to your body.

I am, by far, no expert in any diet program or an expert on weight loss surgery. I am only one person who has learned the hard way how NOT to eat. My words were not directed at any one person but to anyone who may think that it is impossible for them to lose weight. The opinions expressed in my blog are my opinions alone, based on my life experiences, knowledge I have gained from various places, and being over weight for most of my adult life. What you as a reader choose to do with your body is your choice. Whether you choose to agree with me or not will not eliminate the fact that what I am doing is working for me and has worked for others like me.

Aside from actual medical problems and medications that can cause a body to become obese, even on a strict diet, I believe that becoming and being over weight are a direct result from a lack of knowledge about foods and a lack of caring about one's self. I see this as blatantly obvious now, yet it took me 40 years to figure it out.

You can agree with me or not agree with me. Like everything in life, you are blessed with the free will to choose either way. I only ask that you do not insult me by thinking I do not support my friends, whatever they choose to do with their life. No, I may not agree with their choices, but I will ALWAYS support them.

And you will never, under any circumstances ever hear me utter the words, "I told you so." Life is a journey of knowledge. What may take some 20 years to learn others will learn in 5 or 60 years... and sometimes not at all. I'm not here to judge anyone's decisions. I can only judge my own and I keep myself pretty busy doing that on a daily basis.

Love. Knowledge. Choice.