Monday, June 23, 2008

Infestation Continues

Fleas abound at my house! It's a flea circus, I tell ya! Flea collars didn't work. The spray I bought is the same stuff I got one other time, except in drop form, and the cats run from the spray like it's a big barking dog. So I ordered some powder stuff online because my search everywhere else has ended in poisons and harmful to animals and humans. The stuff I ordered is all natural, not harmful to humans or animals and kills on contact. Not only do you put it on the kitties, but you put it on your carpet as well and bye bye fleas and ticks and mites. I was going to express ship it, but 33 dollars is a bit much. I settled for the free ground shipping.

Going to get my tire fixed in a few hours. I've been needing to get one of my front ones plugged anyway because of a nail. I sure was hoping that was the one that was stabbed the other morning. But alas... it was one of the better back ones.

Got all my flowers watered at first light this morning. I've been up since about 4am. That's what happens when I go to bed at 10pm. I hadn't realized it's been so hot outside. I've kept all my doors and windows shut and have been hibernating during the daylight hours... my Hibiscus were droopy. Going to have to pay more attention to them, I guess.

Happy belated Summer Solstice! This puts us on the downside of the year where the days will slowly be getting shorter and shorter. I'm looking forward to more dark and more cool.


Anonymous said...

pesky bugs! Once you get them off your cats, you can attract & kill them with a lamp placed over a pan of water with a light over it. (Add some dish soap to the water to break the surface tension.) This tecnique works surprisingly well! Supposedly the fleas are even more attracted if the light flashes (as if a critter is walking by), but a steady light worked for me.

I guess you could do this while they are still on the cats--couldn't hurt.

Putting the FUN in DysFUNctional said...

I don't know if you're interest since you are trying to use natural stuff, but nothing works better IMO than Frontline/Advantage products. I try to use natural stuff too but fleas are MISERABLE and can make the pets sick, so I do break down and use that when necessary.
Also, if you have carpet, Borax soap sprinkled on it works very well. Good luck getting rid of the buggers!
(here from AllMediocre)