Sunday, June 1, 2008

Progress #3

Drum roll please...

Stepping on the scale (eyes closed). Slowly opening eyes and not really believing what the scale is saying. Holy crap! I've lost 43 pounds! 43 big ones! No wonder I'm feeling so good lately. My body says thank you!

I have yet to reach my second goal. I have 20 pounds left before I get there. At that point, I will have lost 63 pounds.

Things I've missed since being obese:

Six Flags! The last time I went to Six Flags ( many years ago) I plopped my happy butt into one of my favorite rides, Batman The Ride, and as I pulled the thing down that holds my happy butt in my seat, I seriously didn't think I was going to get it to latch. All I was thinking was how embarrassing it was going to be when I had to leave the ride because I was too fat to ride it. I forced the thing to latch as I sucked in the gut and rode the entire ride like that. I have not been to Six Flags since. And that is sad when I think about it, because Six Flags was always one of my favorite places to go, even with all the people, which is very rare.

Clothes Shopping. I actually hate shopping, but it's made worse when everything I DO like doesn't fit.

Sandals! You would think one could wear sandals no matter one's weight, right? Well... my extra weight has caused me to have lymphedema in my lower legs, ankle area and feet. Tennis shoes have been an only option for me for a couple of years now, although I WAS able to get my favorite pair on last night, along with a pair of jeans I haven't been able to wear in two years. As of today, I still have the edema, but it's starting to not be so bad all the time, with moments of actually having real feet.

Gardening. I miss being able to bend and dig and plant without wanting to lay down, curl up in a fetal position and cry.

Movie theaters. I can actually sit at a theater... it's just not very comfortable.

Those are the major things I can think of. I'm sure there's more that I will discover soon enough.

So I'm patting myself on the back this morning and I did a little dance to celebrate. Next update will either be the first day of next month, or when I hit goal number 2. Which ever comes first. I'm hoping for number 2, personally.

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