Saturday, June 28, 2008

Ow Ow Ow Ow Ow!

That's what I'm saying while I'm typing... or walking... or just sitting. We have a cool front coming down sometime today and boy do I feel it! Mornings like this I know to just go ahead and roll up the windows on my car. Right now there are massive storms in Kansas, Arkansas and Oklahoma. We're suppose to get some pretty good ones as well, but later this evening, last I heard.

I put up an extra finished birdhouse outside that had been laying around for a few years about a month ago. This morning I see the birds are finally utilizing it. I tried a different kind of attachment on this one because I've had problems in the past with hanging them by the roof with hooks and the glue deteriorating, then the bottom half of the birdhouse falls on the ground. And it's heartbreaking when it's baby bird season. I put some small plastic brackets on the back of the house and attached it to... to that thingy... on my porch... it helps hold the roof up but its decorative. Yeah... that thing (WAY past my bedtime) with zip ties.

I think I'm losing the battle of the fleas. The powder thing seemed to work the first day, but this morning, it's like it was before I dusted and the cats are scratching bad again. Plus, my bed right now is enveloped in a light mist of powder. That stuff drifted onto and into everything. But I think I found the culprit to the whole problem... I was just out on the back porch telling Cricket it was time to turn on the air conditioner and when I came in, I happened to look down at my slippered feet and I had about 5 fleas on them. The back porch is the favorite of all the kitties. It's almost like being outside. Too many open nicks and crannies I suppose. So... I might buy a flea bomb to set off out there as well as some hard core poison for my carpet and my cats. We'll all just have to grow tumors, but at least the fleas will be gone, right? Right?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I don't know if you've considered the topical flea/heartworm medications. We use Revolution for our three cats. It works wonderfully. We have to buy it online since our vet doesn't carry it (they're pushing the new, expensive Advantage), and we had to get a written Rx to send to the company. Six doses (a 2 month supply for us) costs about $65.