Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Let's Talk Vomit

So I have four cats. The inevitable fur ball is just a part of having cats. It's gross, it's disgusting, but it happens. Anyone who has a cat, knows there is nothing worse then waking up at 2am for a bathroom break, stumbling to the bathroom, looking forward to falling back into bed, and then stepping on a nice cold and wet fur ball, neatly deposited in a location where you are sure to step on it. You are sure to be jolted wide awake and even after you have completely sterilized your foot with scalding water, that feeling of cold, nasty wetness will linger long into the early morning hours. If you've never experienced this, you're SO missing out. It doesn't take long to learn to wear slippers any and all times that the shoes are not on the feet. The worst part (yeah, I know... how could this blog BE any worse) is that when I moved into this house, the carpet just happens to camouflage quite a bit of puke because the food they eat ends up being the same color as the carpet when it comes back out half digested... or not. This is bad because the pile doesn't get noticed until it's stepped in and tracked onto the kitchen floor... the bathroom floor... the car. And again, they will never do it in a corner. No... it HAS to be in a place where it is SURE to get stepped on.

Why, oh WHY have I chosen this topic? Yesterday morning when I got in from work, one of my darlings left the biggest fur ball deposit that I have ever seen on my kitchen floor. No, I didn't step on it. But only because it was so huge that I saw it as I was pulling into my driveway. I seriously thought that whoever had done this, couldn't have lived through something like that. But they did. I can only imagine how much better they must have felt.

The sickest part of all? I actually had the fleeting thought of taking a picture of it to post here. It really was that incredible. You can thank me later for not following through on that thought.

Instead, here's another picture of my pretty flowers that my pretty daughter brought to me last Thursday, with almost all of the lilies opened up now.


XOXO said...

Pretty flowers!

I hate cat vomit.

Even worse, Mark sees it and steps over it. It'll sit there for hours before I notice it (read: step in it) and ask him what the heck? And he'll say he was about to pick it up.

Yeah, right.

La La said...

Yeah, Popoki... guys think they are crafty like that. Funny the things we let them think they are getting away with, when we just love them enough to put up with it.

Anonymous said...

My coworker and I just had a conversation today how miraculously I never seem to step on the throw up, even when I'm stumbling around in the dark trying to make it to the bathroom. Whew!

But, oh yes, the joys of owning cats. Nothing's better than having a dinner party where all 3 cats decide that something went wrong with their kibble dinner and decide to partake in the Running Vomit Olympics... ;)

Anonymous said...

heh - cat vomit. I think I could set up a whole blog around that, and I only have one cat.

Bailey (my cat) once threw up while sitting on the footboard of the bed. At the end of our bed is a dresser. All the drawers were closed, but uumm it still made it in!