Friday, December 12, 2008

10 Things I've Learned While Being Sick

1. The cat box doesn't clean itself, no matter HOW bad you feel.

2. The garbage men will NOT pick up your garbage unless you move it to the curb. Even if they can see it piling up at your back door.

3. There are no magic elves that do dishes while you sleep off a fever.

4. Magic grocery fairies don't exist either.

5. Time does not stop when you are sick. But with a high fever and some codeine, it becomes quite distorted.

6. There is never enough hot water.

7. The most expensive and most softest tissues and toilet paper in the world are just not soft enough.

8. Sneezing and the distance to a bathroom become an important daily mathematical equation... and challenge.

9. This week has been the first time in over two years that I have missed having cable television.

10. Kettehs snuggling are the best medicine of all.

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