Monday, December 8, 2008

Cough, Hack, Cough

I'm sick, internetz. I've always been quite susceptible to bronchitis and after 3 years of not having it I sure was hoping to never have to deal with it again. A girl can dream, can't she? Unfortunately, I do believe that is what is progressing at this very moment in my chest. As quickly as this came on, it's going to be a doozy.

Nobody likes being sick. But the two things I hate more than anything are vomiting and coughing. I can deal with stuffy and runny noses, stomach aches, diarrhea, fever, headaches... I'll take any and all of those at once if I could just get rid of the coughing.

I got to work last night and feared I'd have to go home. But the nice guys working next door at our ambulance service came over with a nebulizer and for most of my shift I felt much better. Unfortunately, that stuff wears off and I'm back where I was when I went in last night. And as much as I have developed a fear of them, I'm going to have to call the doctor today because if I put it off, my painful bronchitis will turn into a nice excruciating bout of pneumonia and I just had a friend die from pneumonia and I kinda like the whole heart beating, breathing (no matter how difficult), feeling, talkinglaughingsmiling... living... thing.

So forgive my absence while I go be sick for a couple of days. And forgive the silent kitty cam because I'm not going have the sound on while I'm 2 feet away coughing up my lungs. That would make for some bad watching... in my opinion.

Have a great Monday readers! And remember this:


XOXO said...

I feel bad about my previous comment about being able to hear you cough. :-( I thought it was a random cough, not a sick cough!

I hope you feel better soon. Take care of yourself!

La La said...

LOL No need to feel bad, silly. The cough you heard was the first of many to come, and quickly. But I got a bunch of meds from the DR. and I just took 4 of the 6 prescribed and I doubt I should be online writing stuff down right now... could be a bad thing. Probably will be a bad thing when they all kick in. tee hee