Thursday, December 11, 2008

I Am A Big Fat Liar

A couple of days ago I said in a post that I would much rather have a runny nose, fever, diarrhea, etc. sort of thing instead of coughing. Yeah... scratch that, because for some dumb reason this sickness has expanded from my chest area to my head area. This is opposite the way it is supposed to work. First I get the head cold, THEN comes the bronchitis and pneumonia and all other sorts of sickness. I don't recall ever having one run backwards like this.

Now my head is full of snot, I constantly feel like I'm going to sneeze... then I don't, which just fills up my head more. My eyes feel as if they are floating in mucus. After just one day, my nose feels as if it has been drug over a cheese grater and I'm now applying my chap stick to my nostrils instead of my lips. (would you like to borrow my chap stick?)

My cough is not gone, but it is now extremely loose and I'm coughing up pounds of crap... and as gross as that is, it's MUCH better then when it was full of the pounds of crap and nothing was coming up. The feeling of something heavy sitting on my chest is now gone and I am very thankful for that.

I was prescribed Prednisone which is a type of steroid. It is used to decrease inflammation for everything from asthma to rheumatoid arthritis. One of the major side effects is the inability to fight off infections. I thought it best at this point to not encourage the growth of any new sickness so I have stopped taking it as of yesterday. As fast as my cough came on, this head stuff came on just as quickly. I think my body is making up for the last 3 years of not being sick like this.

Anyway... I'm a liar because frankly, I wouldn't rather have a head cold than a cough. I'd rather not be sick at all. Period. I am just as miserable now as I was last Sunday and Monday... just in a different way. I felt better Tuesday than I did yesterday and now. I'm still having intermittent fever. It comes on about the same time I'm scheduled to take my codeine, then breaks once that stuff kicks in. Today is Thursday and tomorrow I am supposed to go back to work and I don't know if I'm going to be able to. (If any of my co-workers are reading this, here's your heads up.)

It is now 230 in the AM. My Kleenex supply is running dangerously low and I think if I have to swipe my nose with one more of those sandpapery things, my nose is going to fall off. I need some Puffs with lotion in them and I'm afraid I am going to have to venture out in the cold night air to get me some. I doubt any of my friends or family would be willing to do that for me at 3am. Actually, I take that back. They probably would. I would just never ask them to. :-)

1 hour later...
The trip to CVS went smoothly. The cool crisp air was very refreshing. Puffs Plus Lotion PLUS Vicks was my tissue of choice. And I asked some not so English speaking pharmacist what I could take that wouldn't interact with my other meds to keep my brains from dripping out of my nose... he said Benadryl would be fine. I can already feel it working it's miracle-ness.

I think I will now go back to bed and dream about a mucus free life. I leave you with a picture of my desk top.

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