Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Present Wrapping

Looks as if I will doing my Xmas wrapping Wednesday night. No reason except that I'm a procrastinator. So if you have nothing better to do on Christmas Eve you are welcome to stop by the Kitty Cam and watch as I challenge 4 cats to a wrapping challenge. Since no one suggested any times, I'm going to shoot for 9pm. I've got family time from about 4:30pm till about 7 but should be done in plenty of time. I'll be sure to have my sound on so you can hear me say "STOP IT" a million and a half times, along with the sounds of ripping paper. Who knows? It may not be that bad at all.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'll pass on the wrapping session. I've already heard you say, "Stop it!" a million and a half times.