Sunday, December 14, 2008

As Usual, I'm An Idiot

When considering an extension for my USB cord, I didn't really think that I already had 6 feet of original USB cord already attached to my camera. I should have plenty of footage with a 10 foot extension and I just finished ordering one. Should be here in a few days. I've already got a few ideas on where to place the camera. I realize things are pretty boring for the most part... Unless you're lucky enough to catch what little action there is. I will always try my best to catch some decent shots on video so you can at least see that sometimes the lazy cats really are alive.

I experimented with light the other night. I turned on every light I have in the room and the picture cleared up pretty good. The only problem with that, though, is that I really like the dark. Not complete dark... I just enjoy the whole mood lighting thing and I never have all the lights on. But I promise if the kittehs start going, I'll turn on all the lights for the duration. It's the least I can do.

Christmas present wrapping time will be coming soon. I'm one of those people that buys everything first and then wraps everything at once. It's a unique experience if you've ever tried to do it with a cat around, but even more so with 4. I thought it would be great fun if I scheduled a time and day for this so I could broadcast the mass hysteria that ensues with my cats and paper. Still got some shopping to do but if you knock around some times in your head and let me know when a good time for you is, I will try to accommodate whoever lets me know. My email link is located in the profile section of my blog page.

Someone stole my decorating idea. And I promise... one day... I WILL do this:

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