Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas

I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around the fact that it's Christmas morning already. I wish I had a child's perception of time. I wish I could one year say, "Christmas will NEVER get here!" Instead I wake up and think, "Crap... already here."

Christmas is odd when you live by yourself after growing up with brothers, and then having children and doing that for so many years. It has become something more than just a reason to buy someone a gift. It is a special time for me because I get to sit and relax with my family and not have to worry that someone has to go to work, or has something else they need to do.

My last few Christmas's haven't been that great. The family time is always great, don't get me wrong... but for someone who loves Christmas as I always have, the last few have been touched with a sadness and some sicknesses that pretty much put a damper on the whole holiday experience. Last year I didn't even put up a tree. This year, though, I was determined to try and get some of that Spirit back and I believe I have been quite successful. I made myself buy a real tree. I shopped for presents. (online shopping counts, right?) I bought a few Christmas decorations to add to my growing collection. I forced myself into the season. But I'm glad I did. Christmas is a lot more special when one involves oneself in the season.

My wish for you reader is that you keep your holiday Spirit, or you find it. Doesn't matter why you celebrate the day... lots of people celebrate for lots of different reasons. Whatever your reasons to celebrate today, do so with the abandonment of a child. You will be glad that you did.

I love all of you that visit me here... I don't think I mention that enough. You give me a reason to sit down and express myself, even if that expressing becomes boring and tedious, even for me. I can't thank you enough for that.

Peace. Love. Joy. Tis the Season... Merry Christmas!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas to you too, sweetie!