Saturday, December 13, 2008

Light At The End Of The Tunnel

I do believe I see a dim glow at the end of the tunnel. A soon to be end to this plague I have somehow survived for 7 days now. I had the best sleep I've had all week last night. A continuous 6 hours from start to finish. This is a rarity even when I'm not sick. I can now utter the words, "I can't wait to go back to work", with some truth to it. I'm scheduled to go back Sunday night.

I had a few visitors while I was quarantined. My Dad, my son and his friend (prospective new girlfriend, I think), and J. I was always grateful for the company, but there are a few apologies I probably need to make.

Dad... I'm sorry I let the air out of all your tires, but you have to admit, we had some good bonding time while you used my hand held air pump to air them back up. No matter that it took 4 hours... it was 4 hours of father daughter wonderfulness... between all the swearing, at least.

My son... okay... I'll admit it... locking your brand new girlfriend in the bathroom probably didn't go over like I thought it would. But we got to spend 3 quality hours together looking for the key! When's the last time you and I spent 3 whole hours together? Exactly! And I swear I didn't know that darn key was in my pocket the whole time...

J... Like I told you before, I did not notice that the cats had dumped the sleeping pills in the stew. And the rope burns are not my fault, either... I told you to quit struggling against them! Okay... I'll admit that taking your clothes, soaking them in water and putting them in the freezer was a bit extreme. But how much fun was it watching them melt like they did? I'll tell ya how much! 3 and half hours worth of fun, that's how much!

So I thank each of you for your extended visits. How lucky I am to have such a great family and friends!

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