Tuesday, April 14, 2009

The Most Boring Post Ever

Seems like every time FireFox does an update I start have trouble with it, then they will do another update about a week later and everything is fine again. Right now, it won't let me run my Kitty Cam. I don't mind Internet Explorer, especially when it works and the other doesn't, but I prefer FireFox. Sorry for the downtime if you've ventured that way and things were offline. And there's a scheduled outage for Blogger here in the next couple of hours, but if you come here during that time I guess you probably already know that and if you don't, then you probably don't care anyway.

We have rain predicted for the next couple of days. Probably won't get a chance to do any yard work, not that I was really looking forward to it or anything, but it does make it harder the more out of control it becomes.

One day... I would like to watch Extreme Home Makeover without balling like a hormonal middle aged woman. It's tragic and embarrassing. I'm so ashamed of myself that I refuse to watch it when anyone is around.


XOXO said...

Oh gosh.

I do the exact same thing with EM:HE. Just about every day at 5pm I watch the reruns on CMT.

I don't care what the story is or how many times I've seen it or something similar, I sob hysterically. Have you seen the one with the guy in the wheelchair who plays in the marching band (his dad wheels him) and at the end he gets his whole little own "apartment" attached to his parents house and he plays the piano and sings? I watched that at work and was crying so hard I couldn't breath. It's my favorite.

I also watch it alone. Mark watched it with me once and got so irritated with my bawling that he left the room.

Anonymous said...

I did the same thing the other day: I cried my eyes out during EM:HE. Well, actually, it was on in the background when I spilled my beer.

Damn I'm glad I'm a guy!