Monday, April 6, 2009

Rules Of Engagement

Hypothetically speaking, if a girl makes friends with a group of guys... say, 4 or 5 of them... and they all become really close friends after a period of time has passed, and then one day the girl and one of the guys from the group decide that they want to play suck face and then all of a sudden they start living together, and after a certain amount of time has gone by... say, one year, one month and three days... one of them decides that they aren't happy any more, and hasn't been for about 6 months of that one year, one month and three days, and ups and walks out on her... or him... can the girl ever expect to be true friends with any of the other guys in the group, or will she one day come to realize that although she THOUGHT that was possible, she suddenly sees that birds of a feather have penis's and one bad apple spoils the whole party and man-law and bro's before...?

Hypothetically speaking, of course...


Anonymous said...

Damn tough question! Why, just this morning a friend sent me this:
Wives, and girlfriends, come and go but exes are forever.

Honestly, I would say that time heals all wounds, and you will eventually be able to be friends with those guys again. But it might take a looong time to get back to the way it was. What's the rule of thumb? One year of love needs two years to get over? I dunno.

What complicates this scenario is that the guys in question are police officers. Not knocking them, but an occupational hazard is that cops tend to socialize only with other cops, and form a very tight brotherhood that is hard to eclipse. I'm afraid that you might get the permanent cold shoulder (or at least never live it down) due to this factor.

Life just loves messing with people, doesn't it? As always, best wishes.

Anonymous said...

But at least you have a brand new tv from your favorite son!!!

La La said...

Yes... yes I do. And it's the most awesomest TV EVAH!