Tuesday, December 9, 2008

It's A Mystery

Have you ever gotten that forwarded email about all these silly cures and home remedies, most of which actually work? Over a year ago I read somewhere, I'm thinking it was one of those emails, that putting Vicks Vapor Rub on the bottoms of your feet at night time before bed, will alleviate a cough. And not long after reading this, I heard someone talking about doing this to a child. I then did a very small amount of research and found out that this is a widely know use for the VVR, even though the VVR company only recommends using VVR the way it says to on the label, which doesn't say anything about feet. Because I haven't been sick with a cough in over 3 years, I've never had the chance to try it.

When I was a wee little lassie, I would come down with massive coughing and fever spells. My fever would get very high and I can remember I would just cough and cough. I would go to the doctor and get what I called my "pink medicine". Oh, how I loathed that stuff! I would fight and try to bargain my way out of having to take that stuff, and my poor mom would have to invent new ways to get me to take it, barring having my dad hold me down and them forcing it down my throat. I don't THINK they ever had to go to that extreme... but as much of a fight as I remember putting up, I wouldn't have blamed them.

I missed a lot of school back then. But that was in the days that if you had a doctor's note, you didn't have to make up the time in summer school, like they make kids do now. The doctor told my mom I would eventually grow out of these episodes. And it did get better, although I remember missing a lot of high school as well. It then became a yearly Christmas tradition that I would come down very, very sick every stinking single Christmas holiday. The violent coughing... the very high fever... the disgusting pink medicine. Incidentally, the hydrocodone/APAP 7.5mg/500mg/15ml stuff I was prescribed tastes JUST LIKE THAT DISGUSTING PINK MEDICINE! I think about how much of that stuff I took as a kid and if what I was taking was similar to this stuff. I vaguely remember being sleepy after taking it, but that may have had more to do with the fact I didn't sleep too well while coughing so much. Still have that problem, a c t u a l l y.

When I was little, Vicks Vapor Rub became a staple. It was so comforting to have that stuff rubbed on my throat and chest area by my mom. The smell still has that comforting effect now. But never did my mom put it on my feet. Well I tried it last night, folks. Can't say for sure that it wasn't one, or a combination of all, of the 5 prescriptions I took last night. All I know is, I rubbed that crap on the bottoms of my feet, covered my feet with a lightweight pair of socks... and as I placed my head on my pillow (the time when the cough is the worst), I got the most euphoric feeling... and I was asleep almost instantly and not once did I wake up coughing.



Anonymous said...

MMMMMMMM tree water.

XOXO said...

I've heard of that Vicks remedy, but I always forget to try it. I'll have to next time I get a cough!

Glad you're feeling better!!

And I personally LOVED "pink medicine"! Only I called it "bubblegum medicine"! My mom used to keep it in the fridge and I'd sometimes fake being sick so I could have a taste.

When I was four, my parents had just gotten brand new light carpet...I took the medicine out of the fridge, turned it upset down and pressed it against the floor so I could undo the child-proof cap. And then proceeded to fling and pour pink designs all over the carpet. My mom had to call my grandma to come get me before she killed me! :-)

And finally, when we took Holly to the doctor for a stomach bug last year, they gave her the same medicine! I wanted so badly to taste it, but I didn't!

And that is ENTIRELY too much rambling about "bubblegum medicine" so I will shut up now! Heehee!

La La said...

It's got to be the same stuff 'cause mine was kept in the fridge as well. They must have added flavor in the 20 year difference between our age... this stuff did NOT taste like bubblegum. I can remember getting flavors added to my kid's medicine and wondered why no one thought of that when I was 7.

Anonymous said...

Pepto is the best tasting medicine, if you can call it a medicine. That and aspirin.