Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Opiates Are My Friend...

...and a great way to get stuff done!

Ahhh codeine... the true cure for no motivation and generally feeling bad. Whether in pill form or liquid form, this stuff is great. No anti-depressant or other psych pill has ever come close to making me feel as wonderful as codeine. And nothing gets my butt up doing stuff better. I suppose speed would probably do that too, but I've never ventured to that side. And I know eventually my codeine supply will run dry... but that won't keep me from enjoying it while it lasts. It's like the only consolation to being in pain and miserable... that little codeine moment when life is wonderful again after feeling like you're going to freaking die. It made going to the doctor worth it. I'm thankful it is a controlled substance. I would SO get addicted.

Along with being high, codeine makes me quite the chatty Kathy... not sure who Kathy is or why she was so chatty or if I just made that up, but I talked more on the phone yesterday than I have in a months time. I've had to delete a couple of 15 page blogs that I thought I would post because when I went back to read it all I figured the only way any of you would enjoy it, or much less, follow it, is if you were on codeine, too. It also tends to take away that barrier that keeps certain comments inside where they should stay.

So I tried a Vicks Vapor Rub experiment last night. I took my meds like I did the night before, yet I did NOT use the VVR on the bottoms of my feet. 5 seconds after my head hit the pillow I was coughing. And coughing. And coughing. I got up, got the Vicks, applied generously to the bottoms of my feetsies, covered them in sockness, and placed my head back onto my pillow. I coughed once... then fell asleep and never woke up coughing. I'm not in the least bit concerned if this is all psychological. If it is, it STILL works and I'm not up all night coughing. Anyone who has ever had the experience of staying up all night coughing would agree, I think.

I have really bad eyes. I'm near sighted. Without corrected lenses I run into walls and trip over things and for some reason it affects my hearing when I can't see. Do NOT make me try and explain that one! Anyway, I've worn contacts for over 10 years now. I wear them when I'm awake, while I sleep, when I shower. I take them out to clean them occasionally, but just long enough to clean them and they are back in my eyes. I'm an eye doctor's worst nightmare as far as contacts go. When I tell them my contact routine I get the whole, "It's like wearing the same pair of panties day after day without every taking them off", speech. As gross of a comparison as that is, it's never deterred me from leaving them in all the time. The last time I went to the eye doctor (about 4 months ago), she examined my eyes first and THEN asked about my contact routine. She got a confused look on her face and checked my eyes again and reluctantly told me I had very healthy eyes and that she could hardly tell I even wore contacts, much less wore them the way I do. I remember that visit very well because it was the first doctor's visit I had had in a long time where I actually got a good report.

Along with the fun medicine I am taking, I'm also taking several others. The combination quickly dried out my eyes and I had to take my contacts out yesterday. It felt like I had sand in my eyes. I have a pair of glasses I got a few years back and have never been able to wear them for very long. Since my prescription hasn't changed in several years, they are like brand new. No scratches, not stretched out from my big head... But there is a vast difference in how one sees with glasses as opposed to contacts. I often feel my vision is limited with glasses. So I put on my crappy glasses and for the first time in over 10 years, I kinda liked them. They aren't bothering my nose, I feel I can see pretty good, they are comfortable... It is odd to take a shower blind and even odder is waking up and not being able to see the clock. I blame my acceptance of the glasses on codeine... along with the length of this post. If you made it this far you should get a freaking award. I'll stop now... seriously. I'm done. No more. Quit reading! As long as you keep reading, I'm just going to keep typing...



kryston said...

your holiday kitties are so precious!! is cricket being good with the tree??

i hope you start feeling better soon, mom!! i miss you!

XOXO said...

Hahaha! I love the rambling.

But I hate that you included the word "panties" in your blog.

Ugh. It's one of my most hated words. Right up there with moist!!

Cricket looks like she's having a deep conversation with that ornament! :-)

Feel better!